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DE Pool Filter Media in 1 lbs. Water Soluble Bags

  The safest way to add DE to your DE filter! 

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Aqua-Cel DE Pool Filter Media is the safest way to add Diatomaceous Earth (DE), to your DE filter. It comes in a 12 lbs. bag with 12 water-soluble bags inside each weighing one pound. To recharge your DE filter, you would just take the water-soluble bag and drop it into the skimmer while the pool is running. The bag will dissolve in 40-60 seconds and you will not be exposed to any of the dust from the DE powder.



The one drawback of a DE filter has always been the mess of adding DE to the filter. Not only is the bag of DE messy and dust gets everywhere, but when dry the dust is an inhalation hazard. It is also classified as an Industrial Carcinogen meaning that if you work in the pool industry and breathe in the DE dust, over time you can get cancer or serious lung disease. For a homeowner you should also be concerned especially if you have pets or young children in the backyard while DE powder is being introduced into the pool skimmer. Aqua-Cel has come up with an ingenious way to protect both the Homeowner and the Pool Service, Professional. Their water-soluble bags eliminate the hazard of the DE powder.



They are also pre-measured, and each water-soluble bag contains 1 lbs. of DE. This makes adding the correct amount of DE to your filter very easy. Just follow the dosage chart on the back of the bag for your filter size and that is it. Take out a water-soluble bag, drop it in the skimmer, watch it dissolve and then add another bag. It is that simple. Each 12 lbs. bag of Aqua-Cel comes with 12 pre-measured bags so one bag is enough for your filter cleaning. Depending on your filter size and how often you backwash, one bag of Aqua-Cel could last you the entire year. Aqua-Cel is also great for Backwashing your filter during the season.



Here is more on the product:

Premeasured 1 lb. water soluble pouches with dosage guide for ease of use (no measuring, no guessing).

Load the pouches into the skimmer. Dissolves automatically to release filter media.

Dust free handling. No need for a mask.

No more mess around the skimmer after backwashes. No more clean ups.

Packaged in a durable, resealable plastic bag that is easy to carry and to store.

12 lb. bag size with 12 individual pouches for maximum flexibility to cover all filter sizes.

No more dusty bags with unused media at the bottom of the bag

Each resealable plastic bag contains 12 x 1 lb. water soluble pouches.


This is an excellent product that makes your DE filter very safe to recharge. If you are a DIY homeowner and are looking for the safest way to use DE, this is a must have product. For the Pool Service Professional, I suggest ordering the Aqua-Cel in bulk to use on the DE filters on your pool route. You will like the water-soluble pre-measured bags and the fact that you will no longer need to breathe in the dust from DE.

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