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EaquaCare Pool and spa Products:

I am excited to work along side Eaquacare Products to bring you great pool products at great prices. Eaquacare Products carries most of the products that appear on my YouTube Channel. I have partnered with them so you can now find products that were previously hard to find and order. Here are some of the great products they stock:


Purchase from them and recieve 5% of your order with the discount code: DVB5




Excel Filter Cartridges:





AquaComb cartridge filter cleaner: 






FlowVis Flow Meter:

click photo above to start shopping
Pool Guy Podcast Show
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skimmer banner 2-topaz-enhance-2.5x-faceai.jpg

© 2014-2025, All right Reserved.  All articles and videos by David Van Brunt. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Leslie's Pool Supplies a division of Leslie's Poolmart, Inc. pays a fee to have their banner ads displayed on this site.   


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